Healthy Data Blog

Population health without complete clinical data is like...

Posted by Greg Gies on Apr 30, 2016 9:48:00 AM

Your incomplete data set doesn’t tell you the full story.

population.pngA population health management program without the ability to analyze a complete set of clinical data is like reading a book with missing pages.  You’re left with only your imagination to fill in important details.

While standardized electronic health records makes analyzing population outcomes easier, much of the health information in your possession isn’t in a standardized form.  Instead valuable information is often locked inside unstructured documents and text, like faxes and PDFs, which makes it impossible to analyze.

Not including this information in your data set means you’re not getting the full story.  It’s like leaving important pages out of a book. 

Abstracting this information manually is slow, labor-intensive and costly.  Intelligent clinical data capture software slashes the cost and accelerates clinical data abstraction and health data transformation.


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